Nottingham Academy Primary

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If you have an instrument at home then the links below have been made for you by your music teachers to help you practice! If you do not have access to an instrument then please follow the two links at the bottom of this page to see our other resources.

Year 5 and 6

The following lessons are suitable for both year 5 and 6 string players

Eye of the Tiger

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2 


 Lesson 1   Lesson 2   Lesson 3 

Year 5

The following resources are more lessons suitable for year 5

City Lights Violin

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2   Lesson 3 

City Lights Viola

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2   Lesson 3 

City Lights Cello

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2 

Drunken Sailor

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2 

We Will Rock You

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2   Lesson 3 

Also anything from these playlists!

 Viola   Violin   Cello 

Year 6 - Grade 1 material

Fiery Fiddler

And anything from these playlists!

 Violins   Violas   Cello 

Year 6 - Grade 2 material

And anything from this playlist!


If you do not have an instrument at home, or your year group isn't listed above you can access our non instrument resources below!

Nottingham Music Hub