Claremont Primary

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If you have an instrument at home then the links below have been made for you by your music teachers to help you practice! If you do not have access to an instrument then please follow the two links at the bottom of this page to see our other resources.

Year 4 clarinets

Eye of the Tiger

(E F# G)Staccato and legato, dynamics, time, place & tradition, rock band instruments

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2 

Soul Bossa Nova

(E G) play in time to a backing track at different tempi, switching notes quickly, follow conductor for structure of piece

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2   Lesson 3 


(D E F# G) follow conductor for structure, pitch reading, syncopated rhythms

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2 

Hard Rock Blues

(C D F G A) Rhythm reading, Pitch reading (full stave, lesson 2 & 3 takes away the note names)

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2   Lesson 3 


(A F E D C low A) Rhythm reading and Pitch reading

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2   Lesson 3 

If you do not have an instrument at home, or your year group isn't listed above you can access our non instrument resources below!

Nottingham Music Hub