Crabtree Farm Primary

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If you have an instrument at home then the links below have been made for you by your music teachers to help you practice! If you do not have access to an instrument then please follow the two links at the bottom of this page to see our other resources.

Year 4 guitars

Russian Girl

Winding Stairs

Year 5 guitars

Yankee Doodle

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2 


 Lesson 1   Lesson 2 


 Singing   Lesson 1   Lesson 2 

Year 6 guitars

Drunken Sailor

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2   Lesson 3 

Dust My Broom

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2   Lesson 3 

Jerk it Out

 Lesson 1   Lesson 2 

If you do not have access to a musical instrument at home, follow the links below and discover the resources that will work best for you.

Nottingham Music Hub