Nottingham Music Service
Making Music Make a Difference

Talk to Us

Interested in one of our ensembles? Curious about how to support our work? We’d love to hear from you.

You can call us at 07377 401307 or email

Introducing Nottingham Music Hub

Our vision is to provide a world class music education for all young people and support them to become their very best.

We are committed to providing inspirational music opportunities that are a source of joy, self worth and achievement. We offer progression routes that are affordable, inclusive and seek to overcome barriers to access.

We work in a diverse range of educational settings including secondary schools, pupil referral units, and special schools. Our main teaching is delivered in primary schools and our offer to schools is aligned with the National Plan for Music Education, offering schools bespoke packages where they can choose from whole class ensemble tuition, and hourly paid instrumental tuition for small groups and individuals.

By providing diverse music making opportunities, including ensembles and performances, we support young people to contribute to the cultural life of our great city.

As a child, I remember being so shy all of the time, and without the Music Service I would have stayed that way. I have made friendships, bonds and memories that will stay with me for the rest of my life, and I am so proud of everything I have done with RHYO, Intermediate Orchestra and Area Band, and none of it would have happened if not for you.

Hugo, Robin Hood Youth Orchestra graduate 2019

We work closely with other music hubs through the Music Education Hubs of the East Midlands (MEHEM). We also collaborate with arts and culture organisations across the city, including Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham Playhouse, Nottingham Youth Orchestra, Baby People, Nottingham Trent University, Albert Hall, YMCA Digital, Confetti, National Youth Orchestra, Asian Arts Council, St Mary’s Church, St Peter’s Church, St John’s Church and Ultimate Flyby Orchestra (UFO).

Music Mark

Nottingham Music Hub is proud to be a Music Mark member. Music Mark advocates for a government supported, high quality music education provision for all school aged children and young people. It aligns with our mission of providing a music education that has values of diversity, equity and inclusion at its core.

Taking part in the Music Service concerts and seeing all the children inspired for their futures always reminds me why I got into teaching, and I think what you do is so wonderful and important. On behalf of the school and all our families thanks as always for all your efforts.

City school staff member, Jonathan Barker

Stay Connected

As a charity, it is very important for us to stay in touch with our supporters. Please subscribe to our mailing list to stay up to date with our events, competitions and achievements! We value your time and promise to only email you 3 to 5 times a year. We would love to share our stories and successes, and let you know how your support is helping us make music make a difference.

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  • 76%

    of primary schools in Nottingham have a whole class instrumental teaching programme run or supported by Nottingham Music Service against a national average of 62%

  • 8,317

    Pupils are learning to play an instrument in Nottingham in 2018-19

  • 32%

    of young musicians in the city have progressed to National Qualifications Framework Level 1 compared to a national average of 18%

Nottingham Music Hub